Sleep – The Bare Essential

Author: Deirdre McDermott


Sleep – The Bare Essential

This beautiful testimonial arrived by post and was handwritten which makes it all the more special – Sleep is an essential part of our health

Contact me if you would like to start your journey towards amazing sleep

bare essential

I am a 68 year old woman. My first experience of sleeplessness started with the onset of menopause when I was 47 years old

This was the start of the hot flushes at night. Initially I found it very difficult to get to sleep, then waking up after 4-5 hours

Some years later it was necessary to have a hysterectomy which exacerbated the dreaded hot flushes at night, with little or no sleep for months which was very debilitating

I tried all the usual sleep aids – herbal teas, over the counter remedies but 5-6 hours was the maximum I ever achieved

I was advised to contact Deirdre – she went through my sleep history root and branch. The consultation was in-depth and informative. I was determined to follow her instructions to the letter and hopefully find a lasting solution to my problem.

After approximately 3 weeks I found that for the first time in years I was getting past the awful 5 and a half hour deadline and even if I woke getting back to sleep was no problem and this is still the case to this very day

I continue to abide by this new found miracle and have no hesitation in recommending my consultant Deirdre and this remedy to all my friends with this problem

Looking back it’s such a shame I have been sleep deprived over all these years when there was a solution to my problem



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