Your Period should be pain-free
Yes your period should be pain free, unfortunately I was 32 by the time I learned this!
At that stage of my life I had a science degree and two children so perhaps I should have known better.
What age were you when you learnt this?
Having just completed a series of talks this fact still draws the biggest breath. Some women are fortunate and sail through all things hormonal, the rest are not so blessed.
We seem to just assume this pain, strong moods or exhaustion is normal.
That taking painkillers every month is acceptable, that nothing can be done.
These symptoms are signs of imbalance
The great news is that our hormonal systems can be brought back into balance with a little care and attention
When I ask my clients about their period , 99% respond with the words “Fine”
So I now tell them what a healthy cycle is and ask how they fit in with that and then we have the beautiful light-bulb moment .
“Oh no – then it’s not fine then “ is the general response.
Our hormonal/endocrine system is I feel one of the most amazing systems in our body.
It deserves to be nurtured and minded
It’s so rewarding when clients come back and tell me that they have had a pain free cycle or that they felt normal during it. To us both it’s a mini miracle
Does your hormonal system need some care and re balancing, would you like a pain free, upheaval free period?
This is possible
I offer a FREE 15-minute Skype / Phone consultation to discuss your symptoms and let you know what you can expect from my treatment programme.
Its time to expect more.

Hi I have a teenage daughter who has HFA and she gets very bad mood swings menstrual cramps and heavy flow each month.
Hi Claire , sorry to hear your daughter is experiencing these symptoms . This is a sign of imbalance in the hormonal system. If you would like to book in for a free chat I can explain how we could work through these symptoms if she would like
I’m concerned about my 13 year old daughter. She is very emotional around her period. Also talks of being exhausted all the time. She gets painful periods and has fainted in the past and vomited on one occasion in school. She misses some school each month. She is moody and difficult at home and has had fallen out with friends .
Hi Deirdre
I came arcoss your page searching for women’s clinics in Meath.
I am 33 & I am definitely having some sort of hormonal imbalance with my periods.
I would love to know more.
Many thanks
Hi Niamh
Please email me at to arrange a chat
With my best wishes
Hi Niamh
Please email me at to arrange a chat
With my best wishes